Safety philosophies are ideas or mottos which provide guidelines that focus on keeping all parties safe while exploring Kink. There are a handful of known safety philosophies. Which one you choose is going to be dependent on you and the people you are playing with. Choosing one safety philosophy over the other is based on your discretion and what you feel most comfortable with. Is there one safety philosophy that is better than the other? Maybe, or maybe not, but that doesn’t mean that one is inherently right or other philosophies are wrong. They just might not fit your needs.
I’m going to be talking about five safety philosophies that I have run across in the BDSM spectrum. These safety philosophies are SSC, RACK, PRICK, CCC, and the 4C’s. It is important to note that not all of these philosophies are very common or widely known. So, make sure you communicate and negotiate with whomever you decide to scene with, so you know their standings on safety. Also, having a safety philosophy will not automatically protect you from abuse. Educate yourself, and be aware of red flags. If it doesn’t seem right, or it makes you uncomfortable, then it’s probably wrong. Speak up, use your voice, and advocate for yourself.
The most common safety philosophy is SSC. This stands for safe, sane, and consensual. SSC basically means that for someone to take part in any type of BDSM or Kink play, they have to ensure the safety of all parties involved; that all parties involved are of a sane and conscious, aware mind; and that all parties involved consent to the play that they will be participating in.
The second most common safety philosophy is RACK. This stands for risk-aware consensual kink. This philosophy focuses on the fact that you understand and are aware of all the risks involved with the kinks you will be participating in and consenting to. The main difference between SSC and RACK is that RACK ensures that the subject not only consents to the risks that come along with kink play, but they consent in an informed way. Keep in mind that there is a difference between consent (agreeing) and informed consent (understanding what you are agreeing to).
PRICK is personal responsibility informed consensual kink. Prick came about as an improvement to RACK. It states if everyone takes personal responsibility by informing themselves of the risks involved, then you can have consensual kink.
CCC is a safety philosophy that you find more in Master/slave dynamics. It stands for committed, compassionate, consensual. This means that all parties are compassionately and consensually committed to each other in the sense that they have each other’s emotional and physical best interests and safety in mind. I personally understand this philosophy the best in a CNC (consensual non-consent) situation, where the Dominant party should ensure the safety of the submissive party at all times, even in situations where the submissive can’t physically protect themselves.
The 4C’s
The 4C’s stand for caring, communication, consent, and caution. This safety philosophy hits on the safety and consent that the other philosophies include, but it also adds in caring and communication. This philosophy states that a focus on caring for your partner means you take the time to learn and build trust with each other(s); that you focus on communication and negotiation as a forefront; and that you make it a point to share your thoughts and opinions. Being aware and understanding the risks involved is just as important as giving consent.
Once again, it is your decision on what you choose to follow as your personal safety philosophy. Being informed and understanding what they all mean will hopefully help you know which one best fits your needs. Be kinky and stay curious!